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Nutrition Boomerang

breaking the big fat myths

fats myths

We need a healthy balanced diet and some physical activity to stay healthy. Almost all of us agree with this. But, often in our journey towards a healthy lifestyle, we encounter many people sharing their experiences with weight loss or how they manage to stay fit. Or else you’ll find many crash diets on the internet with all the tempting claims. However, not all the advice you get is useful. But, the hot topic of your discussions will be fat…

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Nutrition Boomerang

Cauliflower VS broccoli: Health benefits and Taste


Cauliflower and Broccoli, belonging to the same family of plants, are often compared with each there. Being a cruciferous vegetable, they both are rich in nutrients essential for our body- Still, the battle between the two continues. Some believe that one is better than the other, and it’s just a color difference for others. However, there’s a difference between the two, and that difference will help you decide which one will go to your cart. Let’s start the cauliflower VS…

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Mighty India Nutrition Boomerang

Peanut Butter – A source of fat or a protein?


Peanut butter is one of the world’s famous spreads and is also claimed as the healthiest one(we will check it out). Its taste and texture are relished by many, and some of them are allergic to it. You can choose the way you like- smooth or crunchy. Made of roasted peanuts and blended into a thick paste, peanut butter is rich in healthy fats and protein. Also, they are super easy to carry, affordable, and convenient to use. But are…

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Nutrition Boomerang

Are carbs good or bad?

Carbs aren’t evil and they can be a part of a healthy diet.Avoiding them to lose weight and considering them the only culprit in your diet is wrong. Choose your food wisely and stay in a calorie deficit if you want to lose weight. Cutting carbs won’t do any miracles if you still eat more than the daily requirement. Build your balanced meal plan with an adequate amount of carbs, protein, and fat. …

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