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Nutrition Boomerang

How healthy is your breakfast cereal?

“Have cereal for a breakfast, they are light and healthy. “- This is what you’ll hear most of the time. It’s your first day at a gym or maybe the first day of your journey towards a healthy lifestyle. And, you’re all excited to buy something healthy for yourself. You enter a supermarket and, then find yourself surrounded by all those colorful packagings lying on almost every shelf. Almost all of them are trying to prove their health benefits as…

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Healthy Mind Nutrition Boomerang

Tips to stay healthy while working from home


Work from home(WFH), these words sound pleasant for many. You don’t have to put extra effort into dressing up for the office, reach the office through all that traffic, get up in the morning, and then run to the office. Hit the snooze and sleep for some extra hours, the majority do that. You can attend a call directly from the couch or even a better place- bed. What else does a person need? You can do much of your…

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