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healthy body

Healthy Mind

Sleep tips to sleep better at night

sleep tips to sleep better at night

What you do in the first few hours after you wake up sets the tone for the day. And, what you do before sleeping at night will reflect the following day. This cycle might sound tricky for some, but your night sleep impacts your mental state. You might find yourself tossing and turning in the bed, scrolling your phone, or binge-watching your favorite series if you’re not feeling sleepy yet. With so many thoughts rushing in your mind, we often…

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Healthy Mind

Tips for managing pandemic stress and anxiety


Pandemic has stirred our lives in many ways. Most of us are working from home, attending online classes, staying in touch with friends and family through video calls. And, all of this is creating an impact on our physical and mental health. The instructions from doctors like maintaining social distancing, wearing a mask, staying at home, etc., are essential as they will help us stay safe. But, they have also increased a feeling of isolation and loneliness among many. So,…

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Nutrition Boomerang

Does sweating more means more fat loss?


Also, what it means if you feel cool as a cucumber after your workouts. Sweating more during workouts is often linked with burning more calories. But does it imply that if you’re not sweating much that you’ve not worked hard enough, or you haven’t burned more calories? Does sweating more means more fat loss? Why do we sweat? Sweat can be messy( or sometimes stinky), but it’s our body’s natural cooling mechanism. So, our body creates sweat to cool off…

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Healthy Mind Nutrition Boomerang

Eating disorder: Types and Symptoms

eating disorder

Eating disorder plays with mental health and physical health, and most of the time, it is the most neglected disorder. This term may sound like it is related to the food we eat, but it’s more than that. It is a psychological condition that causes unhealthy eating habits. An attraction with food, body weight, or body size might be the starting point of developing eating disorders.  Almost everyone in the world is now conscious about their health, eating habits, or…

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Healthy Mind

Digital Detox: Benefits of disconnecting Digitally

Digital Detox_ Benefits of disconnecting Digitally

Ditch social media, smartphone, T.V., etc., for a day or maybe week or month? This idea will drive most of us crazy. 😛 Everything around us and everyone around us is linked to a digital world. Everything is available on the tap. For a few, being connected and engaged in the digital world is part of their daily lives. Their day starts and ends with their smartphone. Most of us spend our day reading, listening, watching, or interacting with media.…

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