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healthy body

Nutrition Boomerang

Is Dark chocolate healthy?


Chocolates have a special place in our hearts, and it is not new. All of us like them since our childhood days, and it is still one of the best gift options. We were told not to eat them in excess as they might have negative health outcomes. On the contrary, it is believed that dark chocolate is a healthier alternative.  The Health benefits of dark chocolates might differ with brands, and their nutritional value depends on their ingredients. It…

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Nutrition Boomerang

How does your music playlist improve workouts?

Music and workout always go well together. And, most of us will agree with this because of personal experiences. For some picking themselves from the couch and exercising is victory. But, staying motivated throughout the workout isn’t easy. So, here music plays a significant role, and let’s see how. And, the reasons are more than just personal experiences. No one would like to forget their earphones while heading for a workout, and the study shows that two out of three people cut…

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Healthy Mind Nutrition Boomerang

The impact of Fitspiration: Positives and Negatives

The impact of Fitspiration: Positives and Negatives

Is fitspiration on social media helping us or hurting us? The answer to this is not very clear. All of us will have different opinions, and everyone has the right to disagree with others. I hope we all have this tolerance, though. 😛 So, let’s explore some positives and negatives about fitspiration on social media.  Social media is a platform or a technology that helps us sharing ideas, thoughts, information through the virtual network. And, it also helps us stay…

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Healthy Mind

8 Best reasons to do what you love

do what you love

” Do what you love,” we have heard this many times, but do you have the courage to stand up for the things you love? The answer lies here. How often do you spend time with yourself? How often do you listen to yourself or prioritize yourself? There are many other questions, for which the question starts with you, and you’re the only one who can answer them for yourself. Since our childhood, we were asked to focus on studies…

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Healthy Mind Nutrition Boomerang

Food cravings: Why they happen and how to deal with them?

Food cravings

Food cravings are a nightmare for many, especially for weight watchers or dieters who’re trying to lose weight. Cravings are an intense and uncontrollable desire for specific foods, mainly rich in sugar, and most of the time, it’s for food rich in fats. It is always easy to lose weight than maintaining it. And cravings can thus increase both of your problems. One of losing weight, cravings come with extra calories too. And also, these cravings make it difficult to…

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