Nutrition Boomerang

Is Dark chocolate healthy?


Chocolates have a special place in our hearts, and it is not new. All of us like them since our childhood days, and it is still one of the best gift options. We were told not to eat them in excess as they might have negative health outcomes. On the contrary, it is believed that dark chocolate is a healthier alternative. 

The Health benefits of dark chocolates might differ with brands, and their nutritional value depends on their ingredients. It is always desirable to check nutritional value rather than taking a generalized view.

Here we will take Beetee’s dark chocolate for review.

Is dark chocolate healthy?

is dark chocolate healthy?
  1. No preservatives: The market is already flooded with products loaded with preservatives to increase their shelf life. So, it’s indeed a blessing to find products with no or minimum preservatives. Beetee’s dark chocolate is no less than a blessing in this case. Their chocolates are free from refined sugar, preservatives, fillers, and stabilizers. They believe that health can’t be shopped for a profit margin, and stand on their words. 
  2. Vegan and gluten-free: The world is moving towards gluten-free and vegan products. It is challenging to find chocolates that offer both the benefits together. Beetee’s coconut milk chocolate is made with coconut milk and coconut sugar as a sweetener. Their dark chocolate is also vegan with the goodness of cocoa butter. So, enjoy the goodness of gluten-free and soy-free chocolates without compromising taste. 
  3. Say bye to artificial sweeteners: Sweeteners are added to enhance the taste of chocolate, and sometimes at the cost of health. But, as they believe in making their products healthy, they use coconut, palm, brown, and muscovado in their chocolates as taste enhancers. So, indulge guilt-free in their wide range of products. 
  4. Low calories: Weight watchers usually prefer low-calorie chocolates. It is challenging to find chocolates that not only have amazing nutritional values but are also low in calories. Beetee’s chocolates have calories in the range of 280-320. So, this also makes them perfect for weight watchers.
  5. Healthy for the heart: Dark chocolates with a cocoa percentage of more than 70% are super healthy, and good for the heart. Beetee’s dark chocolate has 72% cocoa (cocoa beans and cocoa butter). They use palm sugar as a sweetener. Indulge guilt-free and enjoy their velvety taste. 

Take Away:

Dark chocolate

Their honest ingredients, value for human health, and environment-friendly business model make them stand out from the crowd. 

 Markets are already flooded with products that claim to be healthy, but their ingredient list is the most challenging part to decode. Beetee’s chocolate has ingredients that are easy to decode. They believe in the principle of not trading health for profit. That’s something unique in their business model, and that is why their chocolates are worth trying. 

Visit their website now to grab their velvety chocolates to indulge guilt-free. You can also gift the goodness of health to your loved ones this festive season. 

So, is dark chocolate healthy? 

Yes, they are healthy if you’re careful about the ingredients you’re choosing to put inside your body. Don’t run after front claims. Look at the ingredient list, and decide for yourself. Let nobody fool you on false claims. All brands are different, and there is no one size fits all approach here. We have decoded Beetee’s chocolates for you here. 

Beetee’s chocolates are one of the honest ones in the market. You can indulge guilt-free in their vegan, gluten-free, and soy-free chocolates. Also, they have super cute colorful packaging. 

Is dark chocolate healthy?

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  • Reply
    Alpana Deo
    October 19, 2021 at 11:02 pm

    I am hearing a lot about this brand. I am not a big fan of Dark chocolate but I know it is good for our health.One point that liked about these chocolates is there is not artificial sweetener.

  • Reply
    Ambica Gulati
    October 21, 2021 at 10:12 am

    I really love dark chocolate. However, I have not tasted one with coconut milk. This sounds like a good brand and I would like to try this one.

  • Reply
    October 24, 2021 at 10:59 am

    From many I hard that dark chocolate is good for health and is a good depression reducer…. but keeping this fact in side I love dark chocolate and Milk Flavored chocolates are my all time favorite

  • Reply
    October 24, 2021 at 1:48 pm

    Dark chocolate is the key to every sweet tooth cravings you can get and get away with it! Haven’t tried this brand yet but surely will do soon! Thanks for sharing!

  • Reply
    October 24, 2021 at 6:42 pm

    Even I tried these chocolates and must tell you there is no artificial sweetner and being gluten free is can be advised to people who are allergic to gluten.

  • Reply
    Surbhi Prapanna
    October 24, 2021 at 8:22 pm

    yes, dark chocolate offer many great health benefits. I am hearing a lot about this brand all across the web. it is great that it is free from artificial preservatives. would love to give this a try. thanks for sharing your hinest review.

  • Reply
    Surbhi Prapanna
    October 24, 2021 at 8:22 pm


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