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healthy lifestyle

Healthy Mind

8 Best reasons to do what you love

do what you love

” Do what you love,” we have heard this many times, but do you have the courage to stand up for the things you love? The answer lies here. How often do you spend time with yourself? How often do you listen to yourself or prioritize yourself? There are many other questions, for which the question starts with you, and you’re the only one who can answer them for yourself. Since our childhood, we were asked to focus on studies…

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Healthy Mind Nutrition Boomerang

Food cravings: Why they happen and how to deal with them?

Food cravings

Food cravings are a nightmare for many, especially for weight watchers or dieters who’re trying to lose weight. Cravings are an intense and uncontrollable desire for specific foods, mainly rich in sugar, and most of the time, it’s for food rich in fats. It is always easy to lose weight than maintaining it. And cravings can thus increase both of your problems. One of losing weight, cravings come with extra calories too. And also, these cravings make it difficult to…

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Nutrition Boomerang

brown bread vs white bread: which is healthier?


The tussle between the brown and white continues and this time it is all about bread.It is true that whole wheat stuff is always better than processed ones and has many nutritional values. But, the trap of “ 100% whole wheat” on the front label can make you pick the wrong one, but knowing what to look for can prevent you from falling victim to clever product marketing. Let’s go beyond the front labels and take a reality check.…

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Nutrition Boomerang

Are carbs good or bad?

Carbs aren’t evil and they can be a part of a healthy diet.Avoiding them to lose weight and considering them the only culprit in your diet is wrong. Choose your food wisely and stay in a calorie deficit if you want to lose weight. Cutting carbs won’t do any miracles if you still eat more than the daily requirement. Build your balanced meal plan with an adequate amount of carbs, protein, and fat. …

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Nutrition Boomerang

How to boost your immunity with diet and lifestyle changes?


Increase your immunity with these simple natural tips.Stay at home and Use this lock down time to learn new things. Do what you love to avoid unwanted stress and tension. Make the most out of this time and stay strong. Keep yourself active by doing household chores and home workout.All the tips given here will help you stay fit and active,but none of these can prevent COVID-19. Please follow the instructions given by the doctors and government officials. Report to…

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