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lose weight

Nutrition Boomerang

How effective are your Zumba sessions?


There are different ways to lose and maintain healthy body weight. There is an overload of advice on the internet to lose weight more efficiently with exercises like weight lifting, jogging, running, walking, etc. But, every piece of advice melts down to a question -what do you like the most? Can you do it every day? Does it help you stay fit and healthy? Let’s see how different exercise forms work to stay fit and healthy. We will start with…

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Nutrition Boomerang

breaking the big fat myths

fats myths

We need a healthy balanced diet and some physical activity to stay healthy. Almost all of us agree with this. But, often in our journey towards a healthy lifestyle, we encounter many people sharing their experiences with weight loss or how they manage to stay fit. Or else you’ll find many crash diets on the internet with all the tempting claims. However, not all the advice you get is useful. But, the hot topic of your discussions will be fat…

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Healthy Mind Mighty India

15 Biggest weight loss mistakes

Weight loss mistake

Weight loss can be challenging for many, with many shortcuts, diet plans, myths, facts, false claims, etc. It is sometimes challenging to decide which way to go or whom to follow. But, it is not as complicated as you think, and you can achieve your body goals by making small changes. Weight loss is about 70 percent diet and 30 percent exercise, so if you’re making any mistake in your journey towards weight loss, then the problem mainly lies in…

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