Occasionally indulging in a do-nothing day is more than worth the price. All of us know when to recharge the phone battery, but no one cares about recharging oneself. Treat yourself and do nothing for a day. Check out the reasons for doing this and how can you celebrate the zero-tasking day!…
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mental health
Yo-Yo dieting insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different weight loss results. The weight just goes up and down, and there’s nothing constant, neither diet nor exercise. Yo Yo dieting can ruin you mind and body. Let's explore the impact and break this weight loss and weight gain cycle.…
It’s okay to make mistakes! To have odd days! To be less than perfect! To do what’s best for you! And most importantly, to be yourself! Let’s begin with a story : You are outside on a drive and suddenly you met with an accident, the first thing you will do is to reach out to the people for help, call an ambulance or your friend or relative who stays nearby. But, what do you do, when you are hit…