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Healthy Mind

Body Shaming: The invisible pandemic

Body Shaming: The invisible pandemic

Globally, the prevalence of body shaming is as high as 25 to 35 percent.  Our perception of an ideal body has now changed to a greater extent. There’s more to life than this, and everything you see or hear on social media isn’t true.  Body shaming is an act of making fun of or deriding someone’s physical appearance. And, it is not limited to fat-shaming. Body-shaming is a broad term and includes height shaming, thinness shaming, hair color, body shape, muscularity,…

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Healthy Mind Mighty India

15 Biggest weight loss mistakes

Weight loss mistake

Weight loss can be challenging for many, with many shortcuts, diet plans, myths, facts, false claims, etc. It is sometimes challenging to decide which way to go or whom to follow. But, it is not as complicated as you think, and you can achieve your body goals by making small changes. Weight loss is about 70 percent diet and 30 percent exercise, so if you’re making any mistake in your journey towards weight loss, then the problem mainly lies in…

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Nutrition Boomerang

10 Tips to stay motivated for your home workouts

Tips to stay motivated for your home-workouts

With changing lifestyle, the importance of fitness has increased manifold. It is necessary to take care of our health and mainly when pandemic has restricted our movements. The only option left for us is a home workout. But, it isn’t easy for everyone to stay motivated for home-workouts. However, a good workout routine can help improve your physical and mental health. Most of us often face pandemic stress and anxiety, so a good home-workout is probably one of the best…

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