With every new celebrity stepping into the industry, there’s a huge craze among the people(especially the youth) to explore the new faces and some even try copying the celebrity trends which mostly include their diet plans, workout routines, favorite brand, and the list continues. But, you should not follow those celebrity diets, and let’s check the reason behind that.
And if you’re one of them, you’re at the right place because there’s something more important that you’re missing out. Stick here and thank me later 😛
I have seen so many people searching for their ideal diet and fitness routine in their favorite celebrity or their inspirations and sometimes even in their friends. There’s nothing wrong with doing that if you know what suits you the best and what doesn’t. Let’s see the reasons for why you should not follow celebrity diets.
- All the diet plans on the internet are usually made by keeping the general public in mind and don’t consider the medical problems which someone can have. It is always better to consult a dietician or your doctor before starting any plan or make one for yourself(a simple one, keeping your health conditions in mind). A healthy diet plan plays a very crucial role in maintaining overall health.
- When it comes to the famous workout routines on the internet, with all those promises of giving you your dream body. It’s really important to listen to your body first and then choose the workouts. For this, you can consult your trainer and share your strength and weaknesses with them, so that they can help you out with your workout routines.
- And, yes “listen to your body”, If you don’t want to go for any dietician or a trainer then “be your own boss 😛 “. Make a customized diet plan and workout routine for yourself (get that celebrity feel :P). It is not bad to have an inspiration and goal to work towards but “ the path should be yours”).
All those intense workouts or healthy diet plans related to famous celebrities are customized for them and NOT for you. This may sound a little rude, but yes, you have to listen to your body and you are the ONE who knows the best about yourself. So, next time don’t blindly follow the celebrity diets and give yourself the royal feel by customizing the best for yourself.
It’s always great to take advice from your inspirations, but at the end of the day, it’s only YOU. Take out the best from their diet and fitness routines, and make the best for you.

Let’s get into some tips that can help you achieve your goals, remember “You’re awesome “ 🙂
- PICK THOSE BEAUTIES: Yes, pick up plenty of vegetables, fruits, pulses, nuts, seeds, etc when you go out for the next grocery shopping. And eliminate junk food. When not in sight, not in mind. So, replace the junk with healthy vegetables and notice the change yourself.
- GET MOVING: Listen to the podcast, call a friend, listen to music or audiobook while walking. Look for the reasons to move or the simplest way is to drink plenty of water, eventually, you have to run to the washroom 😛 Your fitness band can be your remainder as well, aim 10k steps and you’ll definitely achieve them.
- BALANCE THE MACROS: The 3 major macronutrients protein, carbs, and fats play a crucial part in the balanced diet plan. So, don’t forget to include them in your diet plan. Give yourself a gift of a customized diet plan.
- FOLLOW 80/20 RULE: This rule will help you throughout your life. According to this rule, you should allow yourself to get a proper nutritious food rich in macros and the other 20% should go the treats you wish for. This way you’ll not crave something specific every time.
- LET’S COUNT THEM: Fitness apps can help you to track your calories and will make it easy for you to follow the 80/20 rule. Track them(even the smallest meal) and keep their record. This would look complex and tiring in the beginning, but eventually, you would know, what works the best for you.
These simple steps we take to figure out what’s best for us according to your goals. Tailor it all for YOU and YOUR preferences. Give yourself the celebrity feel, get your celebrity diet, and trust me your customized diet plan will give you the best result.
- Getting your dream body is indeed a great achievement, but it is important to LOVE yourself in all shapes and sizes. I am not criticizing any of the plans on the internet neither I am supporting any super-quick plan to get your dream body.
- Your fitness journey should be about you and only you. I have met so many people sharing their life experiences and how people made their fun during their school or college time (I also went through all of this ).
- If you really want to make any change in your life, start with LOVING YOURSELF the way you’re. Embrace and Love your body, it’s the most important thing you’ll ever know. And, never ever let anyone make you hate it.
It is always good to have an inspiration, and any fitness model, celebrity, or even your friend can be that. But that shouldn’t be the only reason, to begin with. Your desire to make a change in your life or adapt healthy habits should be the force behind your journey. This will help you to enjoy a healthy and more peaceful life and obviously, you would love that.

Rimi mondal
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Vandana Sharma
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