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Nutrition Boomerang

Colorful diet and its benefits

colorful diet

Fruits and vegetables come in different colors, and each of these colors has a meaning. They all indicate the essential nutrients present in them and help you know their nutritional values quickly. More the colors on your plate, the more the nutrients. Different colors indicate different nutrients, and having a rainbow diet can help you complete your nutritional requirement. So, don’t restrict yourself to 2-3 colors. A colorful diet has many benefits, so make sure you get all the colors…

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Nutrition Boomerang

Cheat meal or a Treat meal- How they boost weight loss?

Cheat meal or a Treat meal- How they boost weight loss?

The word “cheat meal” has a negative connotation and is related to a feeling of guilt. Using this term can trigger emotions that might end up creating mental health issues. And, especially for a person in the weight loss process, shame and hopelessness might get difficult to handle. Consider swapping this with a better word like a treat meal because it is a reward-based concept. Note: Here, the word cheat meal is used because of the reader’s familiarity with the…

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Healthy Mind Nutrition Boomerang

Food cravings: Why they happen and how to deal with them?

Food cravings

Food cravings are a nightmare for many, especially for weight watchers or dieters who’re trying to lose weight. Cravings are an intense and uncontrollable desire for specific foods, mainly rich in sugar, and most of the time, it’s for food rich in fats. It is always easy to lose weight than maintaining it. And cravings can thus increase both of your problems. One of losing weight, cravings come with extra calories too. And also, these cravings make it difficult to…

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Nutrition Boomerang

10 Tips to stay motivated for your home workouts

Tips to stay motivated for your home-workouts

With changing lifestyle, the importance of fitness has increased manifold. It is necessary to take care of our health and mainly when pandemic has restricted our movements. The only option left for us is a home workout. But, it isn’t easy for everyone to stay motivated for home-workouts. However, a good workout routine can help improve your physical and mental health. Most of us often face pandemic stress and anxiety, so a good home-workout is probably one of the best…

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Nutrition Boomerang

Core strengthening exercises and their importance


Exercise has many benefits, and it can improve your physical health and mental health. And, all these benefits are well known to us. Bad form or posture while exercising can make our posture worst. But, the same exercise, when done right, can improve your posture too. Your balance and posture largely depend on your core strength. And, there are many other benefits which one should know. Those reasons will encourage you to train that core and make it stronger. Different…

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