Drinking alcohol is one of the most preferred ways to celebrate something. Sad? Happy? – Alcohol is the solution for many. Though, this is not true for everyone. But, for many, this is the rule. With the increasing intake of alcoholic drinks, it is essential to dig deeper to know their impact on mental health and physical health. I have met so many people who find it difficult to lose weight or maintain weight. Losing weight is challenging and, this…
” Do what you love,” we have heard this many times, but do you have the courage to stand up for the things you love? The answer lies here. How often do you spend time with yourself? How often do you listen to yourself or prioritize yourself? There are many other questions, for which the question starts with you, and you’re the only one who can answer them for yourself. Since our childhood, we were asked to focus on studies…
Gratitude is the quality of being thankful. Being grateful every day has the potential to improve your mental and physical health. All of us being busy often forget to be grateful for all the little things we have. But, gratitude can improve your life, and most of the time, it will also impact society. Gratitude improves your life to a great extent. And, the short story below will tell you how important it is to acknowledge small things in life.…
Work from home(WFH), these words sound pleasant for many. You don’t have to put extra effort into dressing up for the office, reach the office through all that traffic, get up in the morning, and then run to the office. Hit the snooze and sleep for some extra hours, the majority do that. You can attend a call directly from the couch or even a better place- bed. What else does a person need? You can do much of your…
Also, what it means if you feel cool as a cucumber after your workouts. Sweating more during workouts is often linked with burning more calories. But does it imply that if you’re not sweating much that you’ve not worked hard enough, or you haven’t burned more calories? Does sweating more means more fat loss? Why do we sweat? Sweat can be messy( or sometimes stinky), but it’s our body’s natural cooling mechanism. So, our body creates sweat to cool off…