Did someone say wedding season?
Yes! Yes! Yes! Wedding season is around the corner, and so is the time to look your best self. From engagement parties to receptions, the better you dress, the more you will be remembered by the crowd for the right reasons. But with so many occasions around, is it really that easy to stay fit?
Probably no, but partially YES, if you know the way HOW!
Whether you are a bride, groom, bridesmaid, or guest, in this blog we have got you covered with some amazing tips that will help you stay fit this wedding season. So, put down your work aside, grab a book, and note down the pointers because we don’t want you to miss out on the fun!
Here are top tips for you for the wedding season:

1. Build a meal plan:
“Oh, the wedding is here and I seriously need to work on my body.”
This is the most common phrase we hear during the wedding season and not only from the bride and groom. So, a well-balanced meal plan can help you to fit in your dream wedding outfits. Also, we don’t want to miss out on the wedding fun. So, a meal plan designed by keeping your parties and gatherings in mind can be helpful.
Many individuals out there often skip meals in the wedding season which is a big NO-NO. Instead, having a balanced meal during weddings or before pre-wedding can do wonders. Whenever you have a wedding to attend, mark out the dates beforehand, and plan a meal.
For your macros, you can try eating grilled or roasted chicken, chapati (whole wheat bread), fish, chickpeas, and sprouts. Make sure to avoid bloating issues away from sugar in this specific period. And, even for one time, don’t skip your meal, or you will end up overeating on D-day.
Also, check out our amazing tips for meal planning and do it the right way. 🙂 Make a customized wedding diet plan for you and enjoy the wedding season.
2. Watch out for your portions:
We understand that the wedding season is all about drinking, dancing, and eating with your friends and families. The best way to enjoy everything is by keeping the portion size in mind. This is helpful because it allows us to enjoy everything without feeling guilty about it.
Skipping a meal never works but eating mindlessly also never helps as well. Hence, even though there would be a plethora of cuisines in front of your eyes – watch out for your portions. Don’t gobble oily snacks at all, instead stick to healthy appetizers like salad, nachos, a bit of pizza, and masala corn.
If you are craving any dessert in between, try eating sweetmeats in significantly fewer quantities – just for satiating your food cravings.
3. Stick to your routine:
I know this is not easy when you are busy with the stuff around you, but I bet, that it will the best decision. This will help you stay energetic, fit, and active. So, take some time out and move your body.
Apart from the bride and groom, wedding buffets are the only thing that looks attractive at weddings. And let’s not forget the face of relatives – they can literally convince you to eat anything and everything. But it would be best if you got a bit picky here, stay strict with yourself. Carb-loaded foods should be on the don’ts side of your do’s and don’ts list.
Not just food, do your running, gymming, swimming, aerobics, and yoga on D-day. All these activities will bring out the glow within you.
4. Stay hydrated:
Water – Probably the best calorie-free drink you can have in the wedding season to stay fit. It will keep your glow alive, trust me. 😛
During any festivities, always make water your best buddy. Carry your water bottle everywhere just the way you never leave your phone. Sip water at regular intervals so that you stay hydrated and don’t end up drinking unwanted juices or milkshakes.
If you want something sweet to resist the heat, you can pack up some coconut or lemon water – these are refreshing. Also, you can befriend coffee as well since it increases body metabolism and burns fats.
5. Dance your heart out:
Dancing is the best thing you could do to stay fit and this is not only about the wedding season. 😛 You can consider it as a workout and burn some additional calories.
The best way to stay fit in the wedding season is by burning the dance floor whenever you get the chance. Dancing is the best cardio you can do even while putting up your favorite makeup. Also, let’s not forget how it can refresh your mood from within and take out all the stress you have been carrying for months.
Pro tip: Fats come uninvited in weddings, but you can walk it out. Be a helping hand at home, count your steps, and you won’t even feel lethargic as well.
Weddings these days are not a one-day affair, and so won’t be your fitness. Just like the way the rituals will span for several days, make sure to stick to the above tips for these days. And remember to not get strict on yourself, after all, weddings are here to make people smile and glow your way out, you are beautiful any which way!

1 Comment
May 19, 2023 at 1:05 pmyou should eat light food on the day you have to go to the wedding.and drink more water in wedding. and dance is the best thing to degist our un healty food.