Losing weight quickly might look tempting but they can have a bad impact on health, and sometimes for a longer-term also. Tons of weight loss plans on just one click increases the problem of what to choose and what not. A weight-loss journey for most of us starts with few assumptions, expectations, doubts, and most importantly with the excitement to make a change in our existing lifestyle.Let's explore the best for our health.…
diet plan
Brown rice and white rice have their own pros and cons. A simple nutritional value comparison can help you decide your diet partner.Here, I have compared the India gate rice, this way you can compare different brands and choose the one you like.No specific food is going to make you fat if consumed in moderation and within the calorie requirements. Keep the portion size in check and stay active. A good healthy diet with a good workout routine will help…
Margaret Mead had rightly said, “It is easier to change a man's religion than to change his diet.”The key to a healthy diet is to devour the right amount of calories and balance the energy consumed and utilized.Start your journey to a healthy lifestyle with baby steps and don't forget to praise yourself on taking those little-little steps. These small moves will create a tremendous difference.Build healthy food habits everyday and eat mindfully.…