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Health and Fitness

Is your workout tracker fooling you?

Fitness trackers are gaining popularity and can be seen on almost every wrist. Though, they are getting popular for the right reasons, are those readings accurate? Yes, these fitness bands or workout trackers are popular for their smart look and activity tracking mechanism. Here we will discuss the accuracy of these workout trackers. We are not targetting any individual brand and would also ask you to pick your fitness bands based on relevant information. You can now find a plethora…

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Healthy Mind

Sleep tips to sleep better at night

sleep tips to sleep better at night

What you do in the first few hours after you wake up sets the tone for the day. And, what you do before sleeping at night will reflect the following day. This cycle might sound tricky for some, but your night sleep impacts your mental state. You might find yourself tossing and turning in the bed, scrolling your phone, or binge-watching your favorite series if you’re not feeling sleepy yet. With so many thoughts rushing in your mind, we often…

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Nutrition Boomerang

Tips to stay fit and healthy as a student

Tips to stay fit and healthy as a student.

Fitness is a lifestyle, and you don’t always need things to keep you fit and healthy. It should be a part of your daily routine, just like brushing, bathing, eating, or sleeping. Regular exercise will keep you fit not only physically but also mentally. It is imperative to have healthy mental health, as it will reflect your school or office performance. A well-planned exercise routine will help you stay fit and healthy as a student, even if it is just…

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Nutrition Boomerang

Snack right, night owls

Take regular meals and fit your grocery list before shopping to avoid making poor food preferences. Master the art of mindful eating. Eat, move and sleep better every day. Avoid anything loaded with sugar and carb before bed. They can wreck your sleep. Better choices throughout the day will improve the quality of sleep. Don't fall into the trap of mindless eating.Learn more about mindful eating in the next blog and how to improve your eating habits.…

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Nutrition Boomerang

apps to help you stay fit and active


Sometimes it gets difficult to manage everything all together, but the tech will never fail you. Tons of apps are there to guide you about the three major things - workout, food, and sleep. Burn the excuses and carry forward your motivation towards the fit-life with these apps and welcome the fit February. Living your fitness resolutions is now easier. …

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