Healthy Mind

Why the world needs more empathy?


Empathy is not that common and, the world needs more of it. But, how is it going to make a change? How is it different from sympathy? Do we have that in us? Let’s talk about this. But, first, let’s differentiate between the two.

Understanding the difference:

Empathy is when you get into the shoes of the other person. 

Let me put this in a story format: Imagine someone being abused or bullied in your office, school, or college. Empathy is when you remember what it is like to be bullied or abused. You are feeling what the other person is going through.

Whereas, when we talk about sympathy, it is a feeling of pity or sorrow for the other person.

Looks similar, right? But,

Empathy is more intense than sympathy.

My personal views:

Empathy helps in building connections and, plays a huge role in building trust and love among individuals.

  1. Think about a beggar or a hungry homeless person. I have seen many people shouting at them, blaming them for their existence. And, this is how we as a society have made this place for them. No one wants to live like that, and they are already having problems. If we can’t be tolerant enough or add value to their lives, we can move out rather than creating more problems. They also have the right to live, just like us. That’s why the world needs more empathy.
  2. Let’s talk about creators on Instagram or youtube. I must say that social media is a double-edged sword. Social media gave us an opportunity to connect and learn from each other in this globalized world. Then we have creators who make content for us. Have you ever seen comments on their content? There are many abusive comments. And, sometimes they comment on their families too. Constructive criticism is welcome and that’s how we learn. But, putting so much hate in the comment section clearly reflects our mindset as a society. There’s an option to block or unfollow, please choose that if you don’t like someone. That’s how we can make this world more tolerant. You can always choose what you hear or see. They also have the right to express themselves, just like us. That’s why the world needs more empathy. 
  3. Another story is where I have seen people leaving the injured person on the road and continuing with their lives as if nothing happened around them. That’s how some people behave. Would you leave your loved ones like this? No, never. They are also a part of someone’s family, just like us. That’s why the world needs more empathy. 
  4. Someone who can’t speak fluent English is often bullied by others. The only option they are left with is to leave that place. They might think they aren’t good enough. English is not a measure of excellence. They also have the right to express themselves, just like usThat’s why the world needs more empathy. 
  5. The last one is fat shamingThis is the most common one which we see on social media and real-life as well. People who experience this sometimes end up losing their confidence. They don’t feel good about themselves and this impacts their mental health too. That’s how flawed is the concept of perfect health and that’s why the world needs more empathy. 

Let’s conclude:

I know all are not the same and, we have so many wonderful people among us. This is a short write-up on some real-life experiences to show the importance of empathy. 

Let’s make this world a better place. All of us have different concerns, let’s keep them aside and get into the shoes of another person, feel what they’re going through. That’s how we can make this world a better place. 

This post is not targeted at any particular group or person. These are my personal views. Please feel free to have your own opinion. 

Thank you, for reading this till here. 


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  • Reply
    October 3, 2021 at 11:18 am

    This is something new 👌
    Very well written and directed

    Keep posting such articles 😘

  • Reply
    Anu Sharma
    October 3, 2021 at 12:18 pm

    Well said. Nicely differentiated between Empathy and Sympathy. Keep going..

  • Reply
    Alpana Deo
    October 19, 2021 at 11:08 pm

    Liked your interpretation on why the world needs more empathy. We as human beings are blessed with unique talents but unfortunately we try to put others down. As you mentioned about not having a strong English base can become a reason for showing hatred. Once people start to respect the other person for who they are, they will understand the true meaning of empathy.

  • Reply
    Ambica Gulati
    October 21, 2021 at 10:18 am

    This is an apt post in today’s times. We need to sensitise ourselves to the surroundings and the people around us. Spreading hatred, being over aggressive and mocking other people and their choices leads to more ill will. Empathy is so important for a peaceful world.

  • Reply
    October 24, 2021 at 11:00 am

    Vandana I am glad reading your post and I am glad that people like you are there in this world who think so different and so positive life. Stay blessed dear

  • Reply
    October 24, 2021 at 2:01 pm

    Great topic you’ve raise in your blog! I just love it when writers write about something important that we as humans mostly forget about. This is a great way to spread awareness on it and how we can somehow do some small changes to our lifestyle to have some empathy for others and eventually develop that habit of having always.

  • Reply
    October 24, 2021 at 6:47 pm

    Humans can make the world better place if we all are on same level of empathy. Really liked the way you explained the life’s important aspect with so many life examples.

  • Reply
    Surbhi Prapanna
    October 24, 2021 at 8:26 pm

    Woe loved the way you have describe difference between sympathy and empathy. I agree that being empathetic is much needed emotion in today’s fast paced world. if each one put a small contribution from their side to understand other people’s feelings, then world would be a better place to live.

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