Your excuses aren’t you. You can train your mind to do anything you desire(even that sexy body). Let’s get straight into the topic and see all the excuses for not exercising and how to overcome them.
What’s holding you from working out? We have tons of excuses when it comes to exercise even after being aware of the benefits it has. And, we know how important it is to stay active to live a long healthy life. You can get everything with just one tap in this tech world. But, it can’t proffer you with the body you desire if you’re not willing to sweat for it. It can help you to get a step closer towards your body goals if you want to, there are plenty of apps available on just one tap. Just check the link below to know the best ones and pick what suits you the most.
Your excuses aren’t you. You can train your mind to do anything you desire(even that sexy body). Let’s get straight into the topic and see all the excuses for not exercising and how to overcome them.
He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else. – Benjamin Franklin
When it comes to excuses, you can’t deny the fact that everyone has priority and their whole day is planned according to the work they prioritize. No one is too busy to take care of his or her health(that’s the only thing that stays with you till the day you die) and 1 hour of workout is just 4% of your day. Not much, right? So, why people excuses for not exercising, and how to overcome them.
But, Why do they do that?
Comfort zone:
Wohh! Staying in a comfort zone and making no changes at all seems good and pleasant. Moving out of it requires courage. We make empty promises to ourselves all the time like to eat healthier or workout at least 3 days a week. Then our routine sets in and waking up in those cold cozy mornings gets tough and the idea of running seems less exciting. Staying in a blanket appears the most enjoyable thing to do at that time. And, when it comes to the diet changes we have to make to reach our goals, another problem sets in. You see everyone enjoying cakes and cookies. You want to enjoy them too, so you drop the idea of dieting there and indulge. All these ideas require moving out of our comfort zone and we have to admit that, people aren’t ready to make any changes. Along with the comfort zone, there comes a fear of failure and uncertainty.
Fear of failure, uncertainty, and embarrassment:
They’re all interlinked and a new decision requires a lot of effort. So, you chose to make some moves to make your life a lot healthier and you told your friend about it. Then, you’re blasted with questions like “Are you serious?”,”Will, you be able to continue?”,”Will you get enough time?” or “Do you want to eat those salads throughout your life?” and blah blah blah. These questions will create a feeling of doubt, fear, and embarrassment altogether. You think you’re answerable to everyone if something goes wrong and you come back to your safe place.
Fear of Making mistakes and taking responsibilities:
Sometimes people aren’t able to start something new just because of the fear of making mistakes, so they just make an excuse and sit with it on their couch because they don’t want to be blamed if something goes wrong. Taking responsibilities is the next thing they fear, they feel compelled to do something which might go wrong. So, an excuse can save them from all the troubles. Starting something new needs courage and planning. You might go wrong or make blunders when you begin but, the upshots and benefits of showing some courage to do something different would be exceptional. Excuses will not take you anywhere, so lingering in your comfort zone and not taking risks is a bad decision.
These feelings encourage most of them to give excuses for not working out and making changes. Making a diet or a lifestyle change needs a lot of effort and some aren’t just ready to do that. Let’s get right into the silliest excuses for not exercising and how to overcome them.
- The weather sucks:
There is no good or bad when it comes to weather. Some of them just don’t want to start because either it’s a little too cold, it’s a little too hot, or the clouds again. People come with this shittiest excuse all the time. Their love for their blanket is much bigger than their health.
There are so many benefits of working out and each of them has something exceptional benefits to offer. Soak the sun in winters and enjoy the benefits of winter workouts. It increases calorie expenditure (the body needs extra energy in winters to raise its temperature) and you can burn those extra calories from gajar ka halwa easily. Also, get fit to embrace that sexy summer body. Summers are meant for pools, take a dip, sop some Vitamin-D and sip some water(stay hydrated). Thanks to the time it saves to warm up our bodies. Rain is the next demotivator on the list. Again you will burn some extra calories because of the resistance ground provides because you’ll need some extra strength to maintain balance, also the body needs more time to heat and you burn more calories. Working out in any weather will help you stay in shape and build your immune system to fight the diseases that the weather can proffer. Go for home workouts or HIIT’s. Take care of your health!
- I am not motivated:
I don’t feel motivated to start this or I don’t know, I’m just not able to start. You don’t need external motivation for the things you love. You don’t need the motivation to watch series, movies or play games. Because you love passing your time that way. But, when it comes to making changes for our health and body, we’re ready with tons of excuses. Health should be the priority no matter what because there’s nothing you can do without it.
Love and respect your body for everything it does for you. Get up from that couch and don your workout gear, you’ll not go back to that couch after putting them on. Think about the content and all the good feelings you get after working out. Mix it up and do something new and exciting. Surround yourself with the best people. Don’t forget about the plenty of rewards and benefits it has for you. Take small steps and tap your back on accomplishing them.
- I don’t have a time:
“We find time for things we value,” says James Hill It’s all about priorities , baby! When you say I don’t have time, what you mean is I don’t have time for ‘that’.You have enough to watch movies, Netflix or scroll down your Instagram feed, but you don’t have time for yourself. Estimate the time you put in them all together and you’ll realize how much time you can save and use it for your health.
Make health your priority and think of all the benefits it has. It’s not a waste of time, it’s an investment with a good return. Exercise is not a punishment, but a reward for the body. Give your body all the respect it demands.1 hour is just 4% of a day and the body deserves that. Go for morning workouts since it is the time of least disturbance, so you don’t have to think about squeezing it in between your so-called busy schedule. If 1 hour sounds too long for you, take small steps and go for small workout sessions or a quick HIIT. Try making time for workouts in the morning and get out of bed. 😛
- The gym is too expensive or too far:
Fitness is not only about gyming. There are tons of options to stay fit and active. Blaming gym fees for not working out is the most stupid excuse anyone can give. People have money for parties and all other not-so-important stuff. But, when it comes to fitness, they have issues like What if I don’t continue? What if I lose interest? What if I don’t get the results? If you’re someone who seriously doesn’t have enough money then baby, the whole world is your fitness playground.
Look for the gyms close to you and if you don’t find anyone then remember, the gym is not the only place to get fit. Go out and use everything the world has to offer, make it your playground and do something. Go for a quick run, brisk walk, cycling, or hiking. Do anything you enjoy. Use fitness apps as your guide. Workout at home and remember a short session of just 10-15 minutes of HIIT can do wonders. Use your body weight, since we are heavier than the barbell. Stay fit and active.
- I have kids to look after:
If this stops you from exercising, then you have to rethink. Kids love attention and care you give, but do you want to be an ill parent when your kid grows up? When mom and dad are fit and energetic, the whole family benefits. You need to stay fit and active, if you’re not well, who will take care of your family? So, something is better than nothing. Use this excuse for not exercising and overcome it.
Make the most out of your kid’s playtime, jump a rope, go for a brisk walk, do a quick HIIT session or a home workout. Dance with them or play with them, find ways to stay active. Tell them the importance of being active and demonstrate healthy habits, stay on your words. Kids are smarter, if you don’t keep your words, they will hit you with the same excuse later. Make fitness a habit go for family walks, family treks, dance clubs or a bike ride. Use this family liveliness to stay fit and make pleasant memories while doing that. A happy healthy family is all you need.
- I am too tired to workout:
It gets tiring when you stick to the chair in front of your laptop 24/7. Most of the works are done on laptops and doesn’t require much manpower. Agreed that you get exhausted after a full day at work, traveling, etc. When you ask the group of people how they feel, most of them will answer ‘tired’, whether it’s a group of athletes or kids. Your mind is a spoiled child when it comes to exercise and plays that game very well. You need to show your mind who’s boss and you’re stronger than your excuses.
You won’t always have lots of energy to work out. And, it’s not physical fatigue(most of the time), but low emotional energy that leaves us feeling drained. Just go for a work out when this happens, your muscles might get physically tired, but you’ll feel more energized from it. Once your body gets warmed up and you start sweating, your body will start releasing neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and natural endorphins that will make you feel better. You’ll never regret a sweat session. Use your work out sessions to relieve all the stress.
- I need a partner to workout with:
Some of us perform well with the workout partners, but one shouldn’t forget that we’re all doing it for ourselves and not for the other person. You have to look after your health. Don’t forget the goals you want to accomplish.
Getting someone to work out with might be a great idea, but you can’t get one by sitting in one place. Hit the ground, make new friends and once you get consistent with what you’re doing, you’ll attract so many of them like you. Like attracts like. Sometimes you have to make the first move and find someone who admires health and fitness as much as you do.
- I am too old or fat:
One of the most common excuses for not exercising and let’s see how to overcome this one. So, you think it’s easy for all the size zeroes or teenagers to workout? Age is just a number, and if you think you can’t do it then google about the man who did the longest plank hold and other such personalities who made fitness their lifestyle. You will find plenty of them.
Everyone has to start somewhere, you just can’t do something with perfection if you’re doing it for the first time. Give it time and let your body get used to it. Go for a walk, hiking, swimming, anything you enjoy doing. Love your body for always helping you out to carry various tasks without asking anything in return. Respect it and work for it. You can’t get the ass you want by sitting on it. You’re doing it for yourself. So, get up and
Everyone has to start somewhere, you just can’t do something with perfection if you’re doing it for the first time. Give it time and let your body get used to it. Go for a walk, hiking, swimming, anything you enjoy doing. Love your body for always helping you out to carry various tasks without asking anything in return. Respect it and work for it. You can’t get the ass you want by sitting on it. You’re doing it for yourself.
- I feel overawed by the fit people there:
This is normal because it’s a new place and you feel everyone knows what they are doing. You don’t visit that place often so, it’s all new and fresh.
Start going regularly and you’ll get used to the environment and people there. You’ll learn everything with time. Just stick with it. Ask if you don’t know anything. We all have to start somewhere. Don’t feel flustered or shy, there’s always someone to help you out and remember you’re doing it for yourself. Get motivated by the fit people there.
- Periods:
Yes! This is the most common excuse girls give(thanks to all the cramps and backaches it gives). Periods will come and go every month but, they shouldn’t be the excuse for not working out. You can workout even on your periods and there’s no harm in it.
Working out in periods can reduce PMS symptoms. It will improve your strength and mood. Exercise also tends to ease cramps, headaches, or back pain linked with your period. Endorphins released during the workout sessions are natural pain killers and will give you relief from painful periods. Go for some light activity like brisk walking, yoga, pilates, etc. Listen to your body and give it a proper rest. Enjoy the food you love and try to add some activity in your daily routine, especially during those days.
- I feel uncomfortable working out around the opposite sex:
Dear ladies, it’s just your fear and you’re thinking away too much about the people there. If you think you’re too fat or everyone is gonna laugh at you(because you don’t know what to do), then you’re wrong. Everyone has to start somewhere.
Try to overcome your fear and if you think you need some more time to do that, then go for gender-specific workout areas or sessions. There are tons of places that provide special classes for women. Or, just workout at home until your fear fades.
- This is soo boring:
You don’t want to exercise because it is boring? You have to rethink on that, the daily activities like brushing your teeth, bathing, styling hair, or washing is also not that entertaining. Uhh! It’s basic and is just a part of our life. So, taking care of your body is not on the list. Right? Why you can’t make it your daily practice? Is that too much to ask?
Talk to the people who exercise daily and you’ll find that most of them view their workouts as something as basic as brushing or bathing. That’s why they don’t find that boring and it’s a part of their routine. If you think it’s boring, then find something interesting. There are plenty of options to pick from. Change your workouts or just go out for a quick run under the sky. Try different fun sports activities to stay fit and active. There are choices for every personality, exercise preference, and fitness level. Try anything, but just keep showing up.
- I am already thin:
Being skinny is not the same as being fit. Skinny people have higher body fat percentage which can lead to nasty fat that accumulates around your belly as well as put you at great risk for osteoporosis.
Try to add a little activity to your daily routine and remember, being skinny is not equivalent to being fit. Skinny people should also workout to keep their heart-healthy. Also, one of the most common excuses for not exercising.
There are tons of excuses you will listen to from a person who’s against exercising. But, excuses will not give you the body you want. If you want to live a long healthy life, add some physical activity into your routine. Do anything to keep yourself active. Even half-hour of physical activity can make a huge difference. There are plenty of apps that can help you train at home and the gym. Don’t wait to have “all your ducks in a row” , start wherever you’re, because you’ll never be completely ready for it. You might have an upcoming event like a wedding, reception, farewell, exams, birthday, etc, things will come and go, but, anything at the risk of health is not worth it. Start with where you’re and be patient. Results will take time, the fat saved throughout the years will not dissolve in seconds. The body which you’ve not even lifted for eons will not get used to the new duties in one night. Give some time to your mind and body, be gentle. Fight all the excuses for not exercising and overcome them smartly.
Enjoy the process!

Tanuja Takwal
December 27, 2020 at 4:38 pmNo excuses if u want and all matters ur dedication thanks for blog
Vandana Sharma
December 27, 2020 at 5:43 pmYes, absolutely true 😀
Mary Reshmi
December 29, 2020 at 9:14 amThat was really motivating and inspiring ..thanks for sharing
Vandana Sharma
January 2, 2021 at 8:06 amRight. ♥️
Suzan Khoja
December 27, 2020 at 4:44 pmThis is a nice post. I usually make so many excuses to not exercise that my mind is now always ready with one😂😂. Thank you so much for writing such a motivating and inspirational post🤗💖💖.
Vandana Sharma
December 27, 2020 at 5:43 pmThank you so much ✅
Vandana Sharma
January 2, 2021 at 8:06 amThank you so much ♥️
December 27, 2020 at 5:35 pmNice topic. Amazing write-up!! Loved it 🙂
Vandana Sharma
December 27, 2020 at 5:43 pmThank you dear 😀
Vandana Sharma
January 2, 2021 at 8:05 amThank you dear ♥️♥️
December 27, 2020 at 6:09 pmI was like that…well said, mate…Yes, Only we can change our routine..making excuses will harm self only..
Energetic reads
December 27, 2020 at 6:11 pmRight 🧡 we have to stop making excuse and do it for ourselves.
December 28, 2020 at 9:49 amVery well written. Excuses are common problems and are what stops most of us from fulfilling our dreams. Dedication is the key to overcome excuses.
Vandana Sharma
December 28, 2020 at 9:52 amWell said. 😀
Manisha Garg
January 1, 2021 at 2:45 pmYour post is very motivating and I agree we all face these dilemmas but hopefully we can overcome it for our benefits.
Vandana Sharma
January 2, 2021 at 8:04 amRight girl. We have to do it for ourselves. ♥️