Working out in periods is not easy for everyone. Girls can imagine the cramps, backache, etc., that they have to face every month. If you can tolerate them, then you should surely go for a quick workout. But, the story doesn’t end here. Let’s see how well do period and exercise go together and some benefits and tips.
All of us have different bodies, and so they react differently. Exercise can help you manage symptoms like bloating, fatigue, headache, etc., during periods. However, periods aren’t similar for everyone. So, there’s no one size fits all approach here that can solve your dilemma.
Let us dig a little deeper before drawing any conclusion.
Period and exercise: Benefits-
- Can reduce cramps: Periods become less painful with improved blood circulation. So, workouts can help you improve blood circulation and reduce cramps. A 15-minute walk can also relieve pain. A study also shows that people who work out 30 minutes a day for three days a week experience relatively lesser pain. Opt for light exercises during periods.
- Welcome endorphins: I know how challenging it is sometimes in periods to manage mood swings. But, exercise can lift your mood and can help you manage all those irritability and anger issues. Here exercise helps you in two ways. Exercise reduces stress hormones like cortisol. It also stimulates the production of endorphins which are natural pain killers and mood elevators.
- Regularise periods: No matter how much we complain regarding our painful periods. All of us want them to be regular to avoid any period-related health issues. Workouts can help you regularise them and can help you get on track. So, spend few minutes a day exercising.
- Eases premenstrual syndrome: Premenstrual symptoms often affect our mood, reduces work productivity, impacts concentration levels and sleep cycles. So, exercise can help you deal with them. It also reduces extra water retention and bloating.
- Healthier choices: Cravings during periods can take you to unhealthy options. But, it is advisable to have a healthy balanced diet during periods. Almost all of us make healthy choices after workouts (or maybe a few) 😛 So, exercise and reward yourself with a healthy meal.
Do or not to do?
Now, as we have few benefits listed here, it’s clear that there’s no such harm in doing them. But, keep few points in your mind.
- You can go for mild aerobic exercises during periods. Avoid exercising if you have severe pain. It is always advisable to consult your doctor in such cases.
- There’s a word of caution: Overexersing is bad as one can even miss their period in such cases. So, if you have started an intense workout routine and start missing periods, consult your doctor.
- Take a break if you’re tired. Stay hydrated and avoid overdoing.
- Not all exercises are beneficial for periods. So, we have listed the recommended ones here.
Best exercises during period:

- Walking: Walking is probably the best exercise you could do during periods. A brisk walk for 30 minutes will surely improve blood flow, and you can burn few calories too.
- Yoga: Nothing can calm you like yoga during periods. Few breathing exercises and stretches can help you stay calm. Some yoga poses are proven to improve blood circulation. Avoid inversion yoga poses.
- Running: Now, this one is not easy for all, and you should do this only in the latter days of your period. You can opt for walk-run intervals too.
- Stretches: Simple stretches can help you ease pain by relaxing your muscles. Take a deep breath and relax.
- Swimming: Few girls prefer swimming as they also have the potential to reduce cramps. You can go swimming during periods with tampons or menstrual cups.
Takeaway: How well do period and exercise go together?
- Listen to your body. Though we have many benefits of exercising but, that doesn’t mean you neglect your body.
- Have a healthy balanced meal during periods( and all other times too). Stay hydrated.
- Avoid strenuous exercises and opt for something light. Don’t overexercise.
- Take proper rest during periods. Also, if you’re working out, take a break in-between.
- Try options like a hot bath and heating pad to relax your muscles and improve blood circulation.

Ambica Gulati
October 3, 2021 at 9:32 amIt’s easier to do light exercises during periods. They keep you active and ease off the pain also. It’s best to avoid strain on the stomach area as that is sensitive. Walking is among the best ones–slow and steady.
October 3, 2021 at 4:36 pmLight excercises are always the right choice to do during those heavy days. Life can be normal on those days if we know how to manage it.
Jhilmil D Saha
October 3, 2021 at 7:44 pmI always go for walking and I notice that cramps sre less whenever I do. This post is very necessary for all women.
Surbhi Prapanna
October 3, 2021 at 9:49 pmAnother informative post from your side. I believe light exercise is always best during period. but it is equally important to Listen to your body. each one has a different body, so it is important to pay attention on your individual symptoms rather than following general advice.
October 3, 2021 at 11:21 pmVery informative post. I agree during those days it is good to light exercise. But unfortunately due to excess bleeding, I won’t able to get up from my bed for 2 days.
Manisha Garg
October 3, 2021 at 11:45 pmInformative post for all the women. We all go through this process every month and something which can ease our pain is always helpful.
Pallavi Pathak
October 3, 2021 at 11:50 pmI am the one who always finds excuses not to exercise, periods are one of those days. But now after reading your post, I guess I have to let go of the excuse and get back to my routine.
October 4, 2021 at 10:43 amExercising really helps make you feel better especially on those red days when your body feels very heavy. In reality, the more you let yourself sit-in, the more you’ll feel miserable.
Trishita Das
October 4, 2021 at 10:45 amI always have cramps during periods and have to stop doing exercises while I am menstruating. I will try to do the exercises given here the next time and I hope that they will help reduce my cramps.