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Mighty India

Winter foods to keep yourself warm and healthy

winter foods to keep yourself warm and healthy

With the drop in temperature, most of us witness a dip in our motivation to eat healthily and workout too. The holiday season is also around the corner, which gives us the reason to eat whatever we want without thinking much about the winter weight gain. Though one should not miss the winter workouts, the number of benefits it has can encourage us to step outside. But, eating anything without concerning much about its nutritional benefits can make all those…

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Mighty India Nutrition Boomerang

is Jaggery a healthier sugar substitute?

Our favorite festive season is here, and all of us know that we can't resist the Indian dessert. The enormous amount of sugar in them can be unhealthy if consumed in excess. But, you can make those yummy sweets at home and give them your touch. You can substitute some of the ingredients and immediately magnify the health benefits of your beloved desserts. Let's check out the health benefits of jaggery and is it a healthy sugar substitute?…

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Mighty India Nutrition Boomerang

10 Realistic tips to relish the festive season


Blessed is the season which engages the entire world in the conspiracy of love. The festive season is here, and with the festive season comes the great chances to gain weight. Be it Dusherra, Diwali, Christmas, or New year – It is time to get together with friends and family, and probably you will witness most of the social gathering than any other time. The get together during the festive season involves eating and drinking, and sometimes you consume more…

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Nutrition Boomerang

brown rice vs white rice: nutritional facts


Brown rice and white rice have their own pros and cons. A simple nutritional value comparison can help you decide your diet partner.Here, I have compared the India gate rice, this way you can compare different brands and choose the one you like.No specific food is going to make you fat if consumed in moderation and within the calorie requirements. Keep the portion size in check and stay active. A good healthy diet with a good workout routine will help…

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