Full- Body exercises can help you target crucial muscle groups. Though, there are many different workouts to choose from. But, here are a few different full-body exercises you should add to your workout routine for sure. After all, it’s our right to look good and feel confident. Also, these exercises are among the most effective core exercises. TARGET ALL THE MUSCLES WITH THESE EXERCISES: PULL-UPS: This oldie goldie workout is often neglected because they are hard. Start with assisted pull-ups…
Health and Fitness
The psychology behind food and hunger is an intriguing topic, and there’s a lot you can learn from this. There are different ways in which our food choice are affected. So, in this post, we will discuss some psychological facts about food and hunger. 7 Amazing facts about food and hunger: One tends to eat unhealthy when feeling low. Emotional eating is when we eat because of our mood and not hunger. Our negative emotions lead us to poor food…
You might be wondering if you need a personal trainer or a weight loss coach. Also, there are many influencers out there to guide you or train you. So, this makes it a lot more difficult to pick the right one. Or, one might also wonder if they need a coach when there’s so much content available on the internet for free. So, you’re not alone in this and we are here to guide you. These questions arise frequently among…
Fitness trackers are gaining popularity and can be seen on almost every wrist. Though, they are getting popular for the right reasons, are those readings accurate? Yes, these fitness bands or workout trackers are popular for their smart look and activity tracking mechanism. Here we will discuss the accuracy of these workout trackers. We are not targetting any individual brand and would also ask you to pick your fitness bands based on relevant information. You can now find a plethora…
Times have changed and so do the types of games we play. I remember my childhood days when I spent a lot of time playing on the playground in the scorching heat or the chilling winters. Those were some great times and will continue to be. Most of us still love to spend some time outdoors in nature with our friends. But, now we have online games as well. So, one can get the best of both worlds if one…