Teacher’s day is here, and we appreciate their role in our lives. So, let’s see the significance of the teacher’s day, why it is celebrated and how all of us are the student of life. The experiences and interactions since our early childhood days shape our lives to a greater extent. So, no matter who we are and where we start, our early childhood experiences and parents will play the biggest role. Here we will learn about being a student of life, a philosophy to live by.
Significance of teacher’s day:

Teacher’s day is celebrated every year on 5 September in honor of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan to celebrate his work in the education field. He was a well-known scholar, recipient of Bharat Ratna, first Vice-President, and the second President of independent India.
According to him, education is about gaining knowledge beyond what is academic and professional. Education is about the values that are necessary to face life’s challenges. Building wisdom and humanity in the person’s heart is an essential purpose that education must serve.
Professional, scientific, and technological attainments are pointless if the person lacks basic humanity and wisdom. So, he always focused on the overall development of a human being.
The future of our country lies in the hands of children and teachers as well.
Mutual respect and understanding between the student and teacher would create a better learning environment. There’s always something to learn from someone. So, the teacher’s day is to remind everyone about the role of the teacher in our lives and acknowledge their challenges.
So, on this teacher’s day, We encourage you to move a step further and be a student of life.
Let’s be comfortable with the unexplored.
How to be a Student of Life?

There’s always something to learn from the people around us. Don’t let the age deceive you and free yourself to see the wisdom.
We get our formal education from schools and colleges. All of us aim for the best. But, how often do we recognize the fact that learning never stops? There are times when you have to learn, unlearn and relearn. Life is the best teacher and you start enjoying your life when you accept this fact. Here is how you can be a student of life.
- Explore the unknown: Learning is never enough, and we are not talking about your formal education and courses. Most of us often get uneasy with the thought of not knowing enough. Let me tell you a secret you’ll never know everything even after doing a plethora of courses, degrees, anything. So, be okay with the fact of not knowing enough rather than being embarrassed.
- Stay Curious: Your curiosity can take you the places where your formal knowledge can’t. Once you learn this, you’ll learn something new almost every day. Curiosity makes the mind stronger and helps discover potential and opportunities. You’ll never regret being curious, trust me.
- Meet new people: Introverts will not like this advice, and we can understand that. 😛 But there’s no harm in knowing someone. We are not asking you to spend hours with someone but interacting with people from different age groups, backgrounds, castes, religions, gender, etc., will teach you a lot. This practice will enhance your perspective on various things.
- Travel often: You’ll never regret this decision. Pack your bags and explore different places. You might not like traveling, but even a short trip to the nearest spot can make a difference. You don’t have to cross continents to learn new things, just go and meet people around you. Small communities can teach you a lot.
- Read, Read, Read: Reading different books will improve your overall life. Reading allows you to learn from various people and their lives. So, a good book can teach you different ways of managing work and relationships. There are amazing authors out there who have shared their wisdom through their books.
- Learn from your mistakes: We have our way of dealing with the problem. But, trust me all of us have them, and life is not a bed of roses. So, seek help if you need it and come out stronger. You’ll realize how much potential a mistake has to teach us important life lessons. That’s how you become a student of life.

- Take Risks: Don’t spend your entire life in a comfort zone. Come out of that zone and see how high you can fly. You can continue your job; we are not here to bombard you with toxic positivity about leaving everything and going after your passion. Go after your passion but give yourself some time. Work and explore different things.
- Do many firsts: We often want to try and explore something new. But, our fear of not being perfect doesn’t allow us to make that first move. When was the last time you did something for the first time? So, be confident and do many firsts. That’s the only way to discover your true potential and learn. Write your first blog, sing your first song, publish your first book, cook your first dish, apply for your dream job and see how life amazes you.
- Learn new skills: We are not talking about learning a job-related skill. Though, you should upskill yourself. But, try learning other skills like cooking, riding a car, or a bike, to name a few. These skills will always help you.
- Serve the society: The last and the most crucial step to being a student of life. Volunteering gives a lot of satisfaction. So, pick an area of your interest and support a cause. You’ll be happier, more energetic, and more responsible. All of us can serve society in different ways. An act of random kindness is always appreciated.
Here ends our list of different ways to be a student of life. So, on this teacher’s day, let’s wish our life a very Happy teacher’s day. Life has a lot to teach, and we will always remain its student.

September 10, 2022 at 11:38 pmI am a teacher, but I am a learner first. I love learning new things, and I firmly believe that we should never stop learning. As a teacher, I feel it is my duty to not only teach my students but to also learn alongside them. I believe that by doing so, I can better understand their needs and help them reach their fullest potential.
Rashmi Rama
September 12, 2022 at 8:54 pmI am a teacher but I am learner too.Learning new things could be more interesting instead of teaching other.I lve learning new things , exploring new experiences.i love sharing my whole experience with my students so that they can learn more things
sandy n vyjay
September 12, 2022 at 9:24 pmLearning is a continuous process and never stops. These are some really nice ways to ensure that you approach life with freshness and curiosity and a willingness to learn.
Dipika Singh
September 12, 2022 at 9:58 pmWe should pass this knowledge to children these days to make them understand the hardships and dedication goes into making of a great teacher. Thank you for sharing this.
Megha Bajpai
September 14, 2022 at 7:16 amBeing a teacher I know how tough this job is .Teaching is a constant learning process in both ways . Yes I learn each day new things from my colleague and from my students too sometimes I ask my students please tell me how you do it ….Teaching is a noble job but in present scenario it is a very tiresome too.
Anjali Tripathi
September 12, 2022 at 11:14 pmContinuous learning is the process of life, the pinnacle of the attitude and vision of the universe. These are excellent ways to ensure that you approach life with the desire and curiosity to learn.
September 13, 2022 at 2:05 amThis is such an interesting post. Loved your ideas and everyone should be aware of such things thanks so much for sharing
September 13, 2022 at 5:31 amLove this article and truly, it is only when we accept to be a student of life that we get to flourish throughout our lives. Learning is a continuous thing and we learn not only from books and school but from every one and every experience we get to have. Having an open mind to learning is the key to be a student of life.
September 13, 2022 at 8:44 amOur young generation should know this philosophy of teaching and the hard work our ancestors put into it. We’re lucky to be born as millennials and gen z for that matter, since education is not a problem for everyone
September 13, 2022 at 10:36 amThis is such an inspirational article
I love how you have enlisted all points
Teachers shape a child
We should celebrate them everyday
September 13, 2022 at 10:42 amA teacher always plays an important role in shaping the future of a child. The respect students used to give teachers of our times is no more seen today and nor the teachers are like our times. But yes, I agree there is something or other to learn from each and every person or child you meet in our lives
Sweety Joshi
September 13, 2022 at 1:33 pmSo simple and actionable tips you have mentioned here. I totally agree with this post. Simple yet thoughtfully written.
September 14, 2022 at 3:18 amTeacher plays an important role is shaping the kids future. Learning is a continuous process. We learn from our experiences.
Meenakshi Kaur
September 14, 2022 at 11:15 amLearning is something that should never stop – we should always be passing on knowledge to children and making sure they understand the dedication and hard work that goes into becoming a great teacher. Thank you for sharing this important message!
Jhilmil D Saha
September 19, 2022 at 12:12 amThese are such important pointers. Life in itself is our biggest teacher. We learn something new every moment and it does not stop.